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జనవరి 2014 లో విడుదలైన తపాలా బిళ్ళలు

India Stamps- January 2014 Issues

1) India Post Released First stamp for this year 2014 on " Food Corporation of India " on 14th January 2014.

 Food Corporation of India
Food Corporation of India was set up on 14th January 1965 to implement effective price support operations for safeguarding the interests of the farmers, Distribution of food grains throughout the country for Public Distribution System and maintaining satisfactory level of operational and buffer stocks of food grains to ensure National Food Security Regulate market price to provide food grains to consumers at a reliable price. India Post issued commemorative stamp to mark Golden Jubilee of Food Corporation of India on 14th January 2014.
2) India Post Released Second stamp for this year 2014 on "International year of Crystallography" on 30th January 2014.

International year of Crystallography
The International Year of Crystallography (IYCr2014) is an event promoted in the year 2014 by the United Nations to celebrate the centenary of the discovery of X-ray crystallography and to emphasis the global importance of crystallography in human life.
IYCr2014 aims to increase public awareness of the importance of crystallography, which is the branch of science that studies the formation and structure of crystals. The Year of Crystallography promotes widespread access of information about crystallography and activities involving this science. Crystallography has become the core of structural science. Its uses include: Showing the structure of DNA, Helping people understand and fabricate computer memories, Disclosing how proteins are created in cells, Assisting in the design of powerful new materials and drugs.


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శ్రీ కల్లూరిచంద్రమౌళి

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